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11/27/2018 / All day


Faliraki Conference Hall, San Nicolo Gate, Corfu


The official kick-off event of the INNONETS project will be held on Corfu November 27 in Corfu, Greece, hosted by the leader, the Ionian Islands Region.

The project, of which the Puglia Region is a partner and for which ARTI provides technical assistance, is developed within the European territorial cooperation program Interreg VA Greece-Italy and aims to encourage territorial cooperation between the Puglia Region and the Region of the Ionian Islands (in Greece) in the agri-food sector, focusing on innovation facilitation processes for small and medium-sized enterprises.

The initiative is attended by representatives of the partnership of the project, that is the Region of the Ionian Islands (leader) and the Chamber of Commerce of Corfu, for Greece, the Puglia Region and ARTI, the Polytechnic of Bari and the Legacoop Puglia, for Italy.

One of the main actions of the project is the activation of thematic living labs involving research organizations, businesses, local government bodies and civil society.