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INNONETS news, December 2020

InnoNets, two years of events, meetings and insights in the Agri-food sector in the final conference now available on Youtube


The final conference of “InnoNets - Innovative Networks for the Agrifood sector” project was photo1.png held online on October, a project funded under the Interreg VA Greece - Italy 2014-2020 Program.

The event presented the results obtained in the two years of the project and gave space to an interesting discussion between experts on the topics of innovation in the agro-food sector, conscious consumption, circular economy and sustainability.

The initiative, now also published on YouTube at , was organized by the Puglia Region - Department of Economic Development, Innovation, Education, Training and Work, partner of the project with the support of ARTI - Regional Agency for Technology and Innovation and InnovaPuglia Spa, and in collaboration with: Region of the Ionian Islands (leader), Polytechnic of Bari, Chamber of Commerce of Corfu, Legacoop Puglia - Regional League of Cooperatives and Mutuals of Puglia (as well as the associated partners of the Italian-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce of Thessaloniki and University of Basilicata).

Find out more at



Final Steering Committee meeting


The Final Steering Committee meeting also took place online on the 6th of November 2020. Project partners presented their overall implementation results and discussed about the next steps they need to follow until the project completion. They also discussed on the ways they can capitalize the project outcomes for future projects.

Project co-funded by European Union, European Regional Development Funds (E.R.D.F.) and by national Funds of Greece and Italy